Garbage Disposal Installation And Repair, Poway, CA | BIG B’s

Garbage Disposal Installation And Repair

Garbage Disposal Installation And Repair, Poway, CA | BIG B's Plumbing

In the heart of Poway, CA, an essential household appliance operates silently behind the scenes, ensuring kitchen efficiency and promoting environmentally friendly waste disposal: the garbage disposal unit. For many Poway residents, this unsung hero of the kitchen helps manage food waste with ease. However, like any frequently used appliance, it's prone to wear and tear or unexpected malfunctions. Whether you're installing a brand-new unit or seeking repairs for an existing one, having a trusted local service for your garbage disposal needs is crucial. Dive into the world of garbage disposal installation and repair of BIG B's Plumbing in Poway, CA, and discover how expert services can ensure your kitchen remains functional, safe, and efficient.

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

Your Trusted Garbage Disposal Installation Company

Seeking reliable garbage disposal installation services? Count on BIG B's. A garbage disposal is a staple in most American homes. While these units typically run without a hitch for years, their efficiency may wane over time. When you're faced with a choice between various models priced between $100 - $250, making a decision might be daunting. Consider longevity (typically 10-15 years) and the benefits of modern units with improved grinding power, quiet operation, and sleek design.

Key Factors to Consider: Motor Size

  • Small Apartment/Condo: Although 1/3 HP could suffice, we advise a minimum of 1/2 HP.
  • Medium-sized Homes (3-5 occupants): Opt for 1/2-3/4 HP.
  • Large Households (6+ members): Aim for 1 HP and higher.

Remember, usage frequency matters. Some households might entertain more guests and thereby use their garbage disposals more often. Other families consider our landfills and environment and choose to Let us help you make an informed choice tailored to your needs.

Buying a Garbage Disposal: What to Remember

Material: Stainless steel impellers ensure durability and finer grinding. Moreover, their resistance to corrosion means they often outlast other materials, ensuring a longer lifespan for your garbage disposal unit. Additionally, their efficient design reduces the chances of jams, smoothing the disposal process.

Dishwasher Integration: Ensure your disposal connects to your dishwasher for seamless waste management. This integration not only streamlines the cleaning process but also maximizes the efficiency of your kitchen appliances. By connecting the two, food remnants from washed dishes can be directly processed and eliminated, preventing potential drain blockages.

Noise Control: Opt for a quieter model for a peaceful kitchen environment. A reduced decibel level can make conversations, meal preparations, and multitasking more enjoyable, creating a serene ambiance even during busy kitchen hours. Furthermore, modern designs with sound insulation often feature enhanced performance and durability.

Safety Features: Look for units with a reset button and corrosion protection. These additions ensure the longevity of your disposal and provide an extra layer of security against potential malfunctions. Quickly resetting your unit can be invaluable during unexpected hitches, and corrosion protection safeguards the internals, extending the device's life.

Expert Installation: Trust BIG B's experts for a hassle-free installation experience. Their trained professionals ensure that the setup is done right the first time, preventing potential issues down the road. With a commitment to excellence and keen attention to detail, you can be confident that your garbage disposal will operate efficiently from day one.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

Choosing the Best Disposal: A Quick Guide

Motor Type: While most disposers use sturdy induction motors, some feature the more versatile permanent magnet motors. These permanent magnet motors can adapt their speed based on the load, resulting in optimized performance and energy efficiency. Additionally, their flexibility can be beneficial in handling various food waste types, ensuring consistent grinding.

Horsepower (HP): Higher HP often translates to more efficient grinding, especially for larger households or culinary enthusiasts. A robust HP ensures that the disposer can easily handle tougher food residues, reducing the chances of jams or malfunctions. Investing in a higher HP unit can significantly streamline the kitchen cleanup process for those who often prepare meals or host gatherings.

Grinding Levels:

    1. Single Stage: Basic one-time grinding.
    2. Double Stage: Two-step grinding for finer results.
    3. Triple Stage: Comprehensive grinding, perfect for tougher food residues.

Materials: While stainless steel offers longevity and corrosion resistance, galvanized steel might wear over time. It's essential to weigh these material differences based on usage frequency and the intended lifespan of the disposal unit. Stainless steel, being less susceptible to rust, often provides a more durable option, especially for households that use their disposal units frequently or in humid environments.

Noise Level: Modern units can reduce operational noise by 30-60%. Look for features like sound insulation and anti-vibration components. These advancements contribute to a more peaceful kitchen ambiance and indicate a well-built unit that prioritizes user experience. Quieter operations often mean less stress on the unit's internal components, potentially leading to a longer-lasting appliance.

Maintaining Your Garbage Disposal

The longevity and efficiency of your garbage disposal depend significantly on its maintenance. While many myths circulate about how to best care for this essential kitchen appliance, it's vital to base our care routines on facts. For instance, the idea that running ice through the unit sharpens the disposal's impellers is a misconception. Instead, impellers, or the blades inside the unit, grind food waste using a swift, pulverizing action rather than a cutting motion.

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Maintaining Your Garbage Disposal

The longevity and efficiency of your garbage disposal depend significantly on its maintenance. While many myths circulate about how to best care for this essential kitchen appliance, it's vital to base our care routines on facts. For instance, the idea that running ice through the unit sharpens the disposal's impellers is a misconception. Instead, impellers, or the blades inside the unit, grind food waste using a swift, pulverizing action rather than a cutting motion.

To ensure that your garbage disposal serves you efficiently for years to come, consider the following practices:

Run Cold Water: Always run cold water when using the garbage disposal. The cold water helps solidify any potential fats or greases, ensuring they are ground up before they reach your pipes, where they could solidify and cause blockages.

Avoid Problematic Items: Some food items can be particularly troublesome for a garbage disposal. Items like potato peels can create a starchy paste that may hinder the impellers. Grease and fats can solidify and block pipes, while eggshells can leave behind granular waste that sticks to any sludge in the pipes, adding to the risk of clogs. Being cautious with what goes down the disposal can prevent potential jams and other issues.

Consider Composting: An environmentally friendly alternative to using the garbage disposal for all food waste is composting. This method not only reduces the strain on your unit but also provides nutrient-rich compost that can benefit gardens and plants. By composting organic waste, you're taking an eco-friendly step towards waste reduction, turning kitchen scraps into valuable resources for enriching soil. By incorporating these practices into your kitchen routine, you can extend the life of your garbage disposal, ensuring it remains a valuable and efficient tool in your daily life.

Why Choose BIG B's Plumbing?

We're not just about garbage disposals. We offer a full range of plumbing solutions with an A+ Better Business Bureau rating. Our reputation is backed by stellar reviews on platforms like Facebook, Yelp!, and Google Business. Our team undergoes thorough background checks for your peace of mind. Check our contractor's credentials with license #986152. We're here to serve you! So when you need a garbage disposal installation and repair company, we have you covered!

What People Are Saying...

I called Big B's Plumbing because I the hot water would not turn off in our master bathroom. I tried to turn the valve off under the sink and it broke off, so I had to shut off the main water to the house. It was noticeable the valves were original to the home. When I called, the rep stated that I would be informed about the service tech and their experience along with services offered "On The Spot". I was on a bit of a time crunch...
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Vill M

Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Jeremy T

Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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Crystal M

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