Water Heaters

Time To Give Your Water Heater The Boot

When is it time to say goodbye to your old water heater? Most of us wait until it no longer provides hot water. That’s when we give it the boot. You may want to think twice about replacing it now. No one wants to drop a bunch of cash on a water heater before it […]

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Replace Your Water Heater, Plumbing Task

My Broken Water Heater Do I Repair It Or Replace It?

Our water heater is one of those appliances that we take for granted. Year after year, they sit in the corner of our garage providing hot water. It isn’t until something goes wrong that we take notice. Most people with old water heaters don’t just replace them because they’re old. We usually wait until the […]

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Navien Tankless Water Heater

Tankless Water Heater, Just Installed!

Most would agree that our water heater is one of the most important appliances in the home. We enjoy hot showers, shaves, wash our clothes, dishes, and much more. Our water heater is a big part of our good quality of life. There are two types of water heaters, storage tank heaters and tankless heaters, […]

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Hot Water Heaters, Think Before Choosing!

Let’s face it, no one likes getting up in the morning to a cold shower. And rarely is anyone going to wake up one morning and say, “I think it’s time to get a new hot water heater.” We wait until it leaks or just stops working altogether before you fork out the money to […]

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8 Signs That Your Water Heater Needs replacing

Like any other home appliance, water heaters don’t last forever. One day you might be shocked to step into a cold shower, signaling that your water heater has reached the end of its life. For many homeowners, they would rather wait until their heater dies before replacing it. Some prefer to see the early signs […]

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water heater installation, water heater maintenance

The Top six Signs You Need to Replace Your Water Heater

People rarely think about their water heaters until they stop working. A broken water heater not only means no hot water for bathing, washing, and doing dishes, but it can also lead to floods and costly remediation. That is why you should replace your water heater before any major problems appear. You can expect your […]

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Your Water Heaters

How To Extend The Life Of Your Water Heater

Most homeowners don’t spend much time thinking about their water heater. If we took a survey and asked homeowners if they know how to maintain their water heater, the vast majority would not have a clue. We all want to get the most out of our appliances without having expensive repairs. Additionally, we want our […]

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