Low Flow Shower Head

Test Your Water Pressure

The Facts About Your Low Water Pressure And How To Fix It

Many home and business owners don’t give a second thought about water pressure. The fact is, low pressure usually creeps up on you over time without notice. However, you rely on good water pressure if you’re a business owner such as a restaurant owner. Good pressure in the home is part of a good quality […]

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Go Green With Your Plumbing System And Your Home

How to go Green With Your Plumbing System

Let’s face it, “going green” is a way of life. Everyone is responsible for conserving energy, recycling wherever we can, and conserving water, especially in drought California. As I walk through our neighborhood, nothing frustrates me more than seeing bottles and cans in a trash can or on the street rather than a recycling bin. […]

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Save Water In California With New Plumbing Innovations

Money, Water, And Energy Saving Plumbing Tips For Your Home

We all want to save money and make a good investment. Some of us may even have a little in the stock market. If it goes up, we get excited; if it goes down, we start to worry. Our house is an investment. But, by taking it a step further, your home could significantly save […]

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Low flow ShowerHead

The Complete Scoop On Low Flow Shower Heads And More

Let’s face it, there is not a day that goes by that we don’t hear about the drought in California. Our politicians have reminded us about the drought just about every year, and rightly so. However, there is another concern when it comes to water, and that’s the population in California. We have doubled in […]

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