Save Water

Low flow ShowerHead

The Complete Scoop On Low Flow Shower Heads And More

Let’s face it, there is not a day that goes by that we don’t hear about the drought in California. Our politicians have reminded us about the drought just about every year, and rightly so. However, there is another concern when it comes to water, and that’s the population in California. We have doubled in […]

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Water Conservation In A Drought

Some Valuable Tips For Water Conservation During A Drought

Most parts of the country experience very little rainfall or they experience just the opposite – flooding. Californians are grilled year-round about our drought conditions. We need to take the necessary precautions to prevent irreversible drought situations. In California, we experience the talk of drought almost daily. Water conservation is the most effective drought prevention strategy. Make […]

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Save Water In California With New Plumbing Innovations

We All Need To Do Our Part To Save Water In California

What do I need to do to save water in California? If we’re honest with ourselves, you would have to agree that we’re creatures driven for pleasure. For some, we would call it a good quality of life. Most of us think we deserve certain treatment. For example, if we put in a hard day’s […]

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