Shut-Off Valves

Plumbing Maintenance Checklist

The Best Homeowners Plumbing Maintenance Checklist

Every homeowner can tell you of a plumbing experience they’ve encountered, whether it’s a broken water heater, burst pipe, or a backed-up sewer line. Unfortunately, we wait until something goes wrong before we decide to fix a plumbing issue. When we give our home attention, our plumbing system rarely gets any love. As a result, […]

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how to find a good plumbing company

Know The Basics Of Your Home’s Plumbing System

Every homeowner should have a basic idea of how your home plumbing system works. Unfortunately, it isn’t until disaster hits that we realize just how little we know. Taking the time to understand your plumbing system and appliances could pay huge dividends in the future. For example, know where your shut-off valves are for both […]

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Going On Vacation? Take the few extra steps to check your shut-off valves

As vacation approaches and preparation is well into action, many of us are preparing for what’s ahead. Yet, for so many of us, we forget to prepare for what we’re leaving behind for those few short days or weeks. Unfortunately, there’s that chance that we could arrive back home to an unwelcome surprise. Before leaving […]

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Garbage Disposal Repair by a professional plumber

The Top 2 Plumbing Setbacks And How To Avoid Them

We need to learn how to avoid plumbing setbacks. Most of us wouldn’t know where to start when it comes to our plumbing. But, we can take some basic steps to prevent that plumbing setback. It’s inevitable that if you are a homeowner, you will have plumbing issues. You will address the problem yourself or […]

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Your Gas and Water Shut Off Valves CheckList

Know How To Shut Off Your Bathroom Shut-Off Valves Shutoff valves are also called stop valves, and they come in different shapes, sizes, and uses. For instance, a washing machine shut-off valve can manually control water flow and pressure. It comes complete with a single lever control. Your bathroom gets equipped with two, sometimes three […]

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Plumbers snake or hydro jetting

7 Things Your Plumber Wants You To Know

There are seven things your plumber wants you to know. It may come as a surprise, but many homeowners don’t have a basic knowledge of their plumbing system or fixtures. When something goes wrong, panic sets in. Every homeowner should have basic knowledge of their plumbing system because having that information will go a long […]

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