water heater

Going On Vacation? Take the few extra steps to check your shut-off valves

As vacation approaches and preparation is well into action, many of us are preparing for what’s ahead. Yet, for so many of us, we forget to prepare for what we’re leaving behind for those few short days or weeks. Unfortunately, there’s that chance that we could arrive back home to an unwelcome surprise. Before leaving […]

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Your Water Heaters

Routine Water Heater Maintenance

No one has ever met a homeowner that wants to dish out a bunch of cash for a new water heater, especially before its time. Your water heater should last between 10-12 years, with few exceptions, of course. Some of us have seen water heaters perform well beyond their years and others expire before they […]

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How To Find “The Best Water Heaters”

How do you know what is truly the best water heater? For most consumers, if you type in the word “best” into a Google search for any product or service, you’re not going to get what you’re looking for. For example, if you type into Google, “the best water heater,” you’ll get a list of websites […]

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Time To Give Your Water Heater The Boot

When is it time to say goodbye to your old water heater? Most of us wait until it no longer provides hot water. That’s when we give it the boot. You may want to think twice about replacing it now. No one wants to drop a bunch of cash on a water heater before it […]

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water heater installation, water heater maintenance

The Top six Signs You Need to Replace Your Water Heater

People rarely think about their water heaters until they stop working. A broken water heater not only means no hot water for bathing, washing, and doing dishes, but it can also lead to floods and costly remediation. That is why you should replace your water heater before any major problems appear. You can expect your […]

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