Water Quality

Rusty Water

Rusty Water in Your Home: The Causes, Risks, and Solutions!

Do You Have Rusty Tap Water? Clean water is a fundamental necessity for household well-being. Rusty water, with a reddish-brown color, may result from corroded or aging pipes. It affects water quality, safety, and usability. The presence of rust in household water can adversely affect appliances, plumbing fixtures, and clothing, as it can stain and […]

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Is Bacteria Growing In Your Plumbing System?

Do we really know what’s in our water? After reading an article about how bacteria can multiply in our plumbing system, I thought, “What next?” The study was on indoor tap water sitting in our plumbing system for days or even weeks. Professor Wen-Tso Liu from the University of Illinois leads the team of researchers. They discovered […]

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