water conservation


WaterSense & Energy Star Labeled Products: Retrofit Your Home!

Toilets are Rigorously Tested to Meet High Standards WaterSense toilets undergo rigorous testing to meet high standards for performance and efficiency. These toilets are independently certified by licensed third-party laboratories, which evaluate their ability to effectively remove waste using 20 percent less water than the current federal standard. The testing process includes assessments of flushing […]

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WaterSense labeled Products Avoid Water Waste, Water Conservation

We Waste A Ridiculous Amount of Water Every Year – 1 Trillion Gallons

Below is the breakdown of how our water is consumed according to the EPA: 24% for Flushing Toilets 20% on Showers 19% is Faucets 17% Clothe Washers 12% Water Leaks 8% Other California depends on rain and snowfall to meet its water needs. Although the Colorado River provides approximately one-third of the water supply for […]

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Who Is Energy Star and WaterSense

Who is Energy Star and WaterSense: Why Should We Look For Their Label?

Energy Star is a program developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in partnership with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It was established in 1992 to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The purpose of Energy Star is to identify and promote energy-efficient products, homes, and buildings to consumers and businesses. […]

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Tankless Water Heater Installation and Repair In Murrieta, CA.

Top Recommendations For An Energy-Efficient Home

Water Heater Can Be 24-34% More Energy Efficient Energy Star tankless water heater can save a significant amount of power compared to old-model storage tank heaters. This is because tankless water heaters work by heating water on demand as it passes through a heat exchanger rather than continuously heating and storing a large volume of water in […]

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Go Green With Your Plumbing System And Your Home

How to go Green With Your Plumbing System

Let’s face it, “going green” is a way of life. Everyone is responsible for conserving energy, recycling wherever we can, and conserving water, especially in drought California. As I walk through our neighborhood, nothing frustrates me more than seeing bottles and cans in a trash can or on the street rather than a recycling bin. […]

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Water Conservation In A Drought

Some Valuable Tips For Water Conservation During A Drought

Most parts of the country experience very little rainfall or they experience just the opposite – flooding. Californians are grilled year-round about our drought conditions. We need to take the necessary precautions to prevent irreversible drought situations. In California, we experience the talk of drought almost daily. Water conservation is the most effective drought prevention strategy. Make […]

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Water leak

Educating Your Kids About Water Conservation

Empower your kids on water conservation. I’m a native Californian and well into my 50’s. Growing up, we rarely heard anything about conserving water. If my mom told us to shut the water off, it was more about saving money, not water. Since I was seven years old, California has grown by over twenty million […]

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Have You Ever Thought About A Plumbing Makeover?

Ever Thought About A Plumbing Makeover?

What is a plumbing makeover? When we hear makeovers, we think about someone’s hairstyle, makeup, or clothes. Other transformations are considered makeovers, such as transforming or remodeling a house. I got inspired by an article I read about “going green” (to be environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible) that moved me to consider the concept of […]

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Faucet Installation

Start Installing Low Flow Fixtures

Well, we’re almost halfway through the year, and for some of us, the resolutions we made have long been forgotten. But for others, we’re still on track. Maybe we set a goal for recycling more or retrofitting our home with new energy-saving products. For many, it’s become a deep conviction to do our fair share […]

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