Faucet Installation Services, Rancho Santa Fe, CA | BIG B’s

New Faucet Installation and Repair

Faucet Installation Services, Rancho Santa Fe, CA | BIG B's Plumbing

The professionals at BIG B's Plumbing take pride in their work and offer reliable and effective professional faucet installation services in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. Don't worry about the installation on your own. Let BIG B's Plumbing faucet installation services work for you, and be confident that your faucet will work perfectly!

As a homeowner, the need for faucet repairs or a new installation can be a source of stress; however, with our team of licensed plumbers and years of extensive experience, BIG B's Plumbing guarantee a perfect installation every time.

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

BIG B's Plumbing Understand the Importance of Faucets

From the moment we wake up to the moment we go to bed, we use our faucets often during the day. It provides us with clean water to drink, wash our face, brush our teeth, and bathe. Faucets give us consistent access to clean water. Whether in our homes, offices, or public places, faucets provide clean water and help us in our daily routines, such as cleaning, cooking, and gardening. That is why the disruption caused by a broken tap can significantly impact daily routines and necessitate prompt repair.

Say Goodbye to Your Old, Leaky Faucet

If your faucet leaks, it may be a signal for a faucet installation. If your water pressure has decreased significantly, this could also indicate that you need a new faucet. Various factors can cause low water pressure, but in some cases, it may be due to an old and worn-out faucet. Moreover, there are times when the faucet may need some troubleshooting.

Telltale Signs for Your Faucet's Leak

A leaky faucet can result from various factors, and you need to identify the root cause to fix it effectively. Check for a worn-out washer inside the faucet handle, where the rubber or silicone deteriorates over time. Mineral deposits can accumulate on the valve seat, leading to corrosion and leaks, particularly in areas with hard water. Loose or damaged O-rings and loose nuts, screws, or packing can also contribute to faucet leaks. High water pressure can stress internal components, and improper installation or the age of the faucet itself can be underlying factors. Additionally, cracked plumbing pipes, temperature fluctuations, and faulty cartridges or valves may all lead to leaky faucets. Address these issues promptly to conserve water and prevent damage to your plumbing fixtures and surroundings.

Faucet Upgrade Can Be a Solution

Additionally, if you observe the presence of rust or discoloration on your current faucet, it could serve as another indication that an upgrade is due. Over time, faucets may develop rust and discoloration due to aging. Replacing the older model with a more modern one can enhance its appearance and functionality. Again, address the issue promptly, as untreated rust can lead to corrosion. Moreover, offensive odors emanating from the faucets, such as the unpleasant smell of sulfur or rotten eggs, could point toward internal abnormalities requiring immediate investigation. Installing a brand-new unit will undoubtedly eliminate these lingering odors, providing a refreshing solution.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

Purchase a New Faucet

If your faucet makes strange noises when in use, it is because of worn-out parts inside it, such as seals or washers, which have become brittle over time due to constant use and exposure to water and other elements. Installing a new faucet will eliminate these issues. Suppose there is difficulty turning the tap on or off. In that case, there are problems within the valve system, which require replacement parts to function correctly again - something which would likely cost more than just purchasing an entirely new unit! 

A Fix For Your Faucet Situation 

When it comes to updating the fixtures in your home, installing a new faucet can make a big difference in both form and function. However, with so many varieties of faucets in our time, choosing the best one for your needs can take time and effort. That's where faucet installation services by BIG B's come in. Installing a wide range of faucet types is one of the expertise of our plumbers. It includes: 

Ball Valve Faucet

Residential and commercial settings commonly use this fixture. It is a valve designed to control water flow through a pipe and is known for the ball-shaped disc that rotates to regulate the water flow. Unlike other faucets that use washers to control water flow, ball valve faucets have a rotating ball that allows water to flow freely in the open position and stops the flow of water when it is in the closed position. Indeed, these sturdy and durable faucets make them an excellent choice for those looking for a long-lasting plumbing fixture.

Cartridge Valve Faucet

It uses a cartridge or valve mechanism to control water flow instead of the traditional rubber washers in older faucets. The cartridge valve faucet is easy to install, maintain, and repair. Due to its durability and ease of use, many homeowners choose this faucet type. The cartridge valve faucet is available in different designs, including single-lever, dual-handle, and wall-mount, making it adaptable to various settings.

Ceramic Disc Valve Faucet

Unlike traditional faucets, which rely on rubber or neoprene washers to regulate water flow, ceramic disc valve faucets use precisely engineered discs made of ceramic and other durable materials to create a smooth and consistent flow. Not only does this decrease the chance of leaks or drips, but it also allows for more precise temperature and pressure regulation. Whether you're updating your kitchen or bathroom, a ceramic disc valve faucet is a wise investment, providing years of dependable use.

Compression Disc Valve Faucet

This faucet uses two discs, one stationary and the other movable, which create a seal when pressed together. As the valve turns, the movable disc moves away from the immobile disc, allowing water to flow through the opening. The valve turning off indicates the pressing together of the discs, which stops the flow of water. This type of faucet is known for handling high water pressures without leaking or dripping. Additionally, these faucets require minimal maintenance and are easy to repair. The compression disc valve faucet is worth considering for those seeking a reliable and long-lasting faucet.

We acknowledge that homeowners have unique preferences and priorities regarding their fixtures. Therefore, we deliver personalized service tailored to meet individual needs. Trust BIG B's to install your new faucet correctly and efficiently. 

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Don't Dwell on Installation Times

Installing a faucet can involve various procedures depending on the type of faucet and the complexity of the plumbing system in the area. Generally, a basic faucet installation can take approximately 1-2 hours, while a more intricate process may take 3-4 hours or more. The installation time can also influenced by external factors, including the condition of the sink, the tools and materials utilized, and the installer's level of proficiency. Furthermore, seek assistance from a professional plumber who can guarantee a safe and efficient installation of your faucet.

BIG B's Plumbing is Here to Do Your Faucet Installation!

While there is a sense of satisfaction in completing a home repair task without a professional's help, there are potential risks and long-term consequences. Although some may prefer to tackle this type of project independently, hiring a professional, like the experienced technicians at BIG B's, might be best to install and fix faucets. Our professionals have the necessary training, expertise, and access to the latest tools and equipment. Additionally, by hiring a professional, you can be confident in the quality of the work and avoid any potential hazards associated with DIY repairs.

Safety First: Professional Plumbers at BIG B's Plumbing

In today's increasingly uncertain world, prioritizing safety and security is more important than ever, especially when choosing a service provider or business to work with. That's why BIG B's Plumbing takes the issue of employee background checks so seriously. As a company that background checks all employees to ensure you're safe, we recognize our responsibility to our customers and communities to hire only trustworthy, reliable professionals. Undoubtedly, with our rigorous screening process, you can be confident that you're working with a team that has been thoroughly vetted and approved.

Unbeatable Quality and Dedication

With our A+ rating, BIG B's Plumbing has earned customers' trust throughout California. We have an unwavering commitment to superior service and meticulous attention to detail. BIG B's provides expert solutions that fulfill your needs and transcend your expectations, from plumbing to heating and air conditioning services. Don't wait any longer – join the satisfied clients who have trusted BIG B's Plumbing for all their home service requirements. Contact us today to witness the difference for yourself!

What People Are Saying...

I called Big B's Plumbing because I the hot water would not turn off in our master bathroom. I tried to turn the valve off under the sink and it broke off, so I had to shut off the main water to the house. It was noticeable the valves were original to the home. When I called, the rep stated that I would be informed about the service tech and their experience along with services offered "On The Spot". I was on a bit of a time crunch...
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Vill M

Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Jeremy T

Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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Crystal M

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