Drain Cleaning Services, San Diego

$99 Drain Cleaning Services, San Diego, CA. | Big B's Plumbing

Every home has experienced a backed-up drain. While most of us turn to our faithful plunger for slow-moving drains, tough clogs require a plumbing professional. At Big B's Plumbing, we take a common-sense approach to our $99 drain cleaning services. First, we have drain cleaning specialists with trucks stocked with the latest equipment. Then, on short notice, they're ready to get your home back on track.

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

Avoid Flushing the Wrong Things Down The Toilet

In most cases, the drain in question can be cleared using a drain snake, also called a plumber's snake. We don't use just any plumber's snake but a high-powered snake with a 3/4 in x 100 ft inner core cable able to reach any clog. Double cutters at the end of the cable will dislodge the toughest clogs. Remember, the best defense against clogs is to avoid them in the first place. What you put down your drain or flush down your toilet will be the reason your drain gets clogged in the first place. Always avoid flushing or pouring oily, greasy foods, coffee grounds, flour, pasta, rice, cigarette butts, egg shells, paint, bones, seeds, and hair.

In San Diego, California, We Clean Most Drains for Just $99

Is your sink drain backed up? Perhaps you have sluggish drains. Whatever the situation, Big B's Plumbing is here to help with all your drain cleaning requirements. San Diego residents, we provide $99 drain cleaning services (on most drains). Any home with a lingering clogged drain throws everything off until the problem is fixed. Our drain cleaning crew is standing by and ready to accept your call. Please read the numerous glowing reviews left for us on Google My Business, Yelp, and Facebook. Your "Plumber for Life" is Big B's Plumbing.

We Can Clear Any Drain, No Matter the Size

When you need your drains cleaned in San Diego, California, call Big B's Plumbing. At some point, all homeowners will eventually have to deal with that annoying clogged drain, which always seems to happen at the most inopportune times. Most of the time, we pull out the plunger, and a few minutes later, the drain works as it should. Clogged drains come in different forms and sizes, and although a homeowner may handle most, some should be left to a professional plumber.

When you've done everything possible to remove the obstruction, it's time to get help. Tree roots in the sewage system are no match for Big B's Plumbing, and neither are any other types of clogs in drains of any size. Big B's Plumbing is the best in San Diego, CA, so call them whenever you need drain cleaning. It's only $99 on most drains.

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

The Hydro Jetter Can Clear Any Drain, Even Tree Roots

We clean both commercial and residential drains. Some households have recurring issues with a sluggish drain, at which point drain cleaning becomes an exact science. The first step is to identify the root of the issue. In most cases, a plumber's high-powered snake is all that's needed to remove a clogged drain. However, if the drain is no match for a drain snake, the truck-mounted Hydro Jetter is brought in for the obstructions that demand the best. Hydro jetting equipment utilizes high-pressure water and a specialized nozzle to clear obstructions from pipes and drains. The Hydro Jetter has the ability to use water pressure of up to 4000 PSI per square inch, making short work of everything in its path, including tree roots.

A Clogged Sewer Line? No Worries, We've Got You Covered!

When drains are moving slowly throughout the home, there are likely problems with the main sewer line. This is because all the drains in our home or building link to a single sewer main, from which the water flows out into the city's main sewer pipe and ultimately to the wastewater treatment facility. There are several potential causes of a clogged sewage main, from debris like a toy or even tree roots. No matter the drain size, we have advanced technology and skilled technicians to do the job. By the way, we've never met a clog we couldn't clear. We're San Diego's $99 drain cleaning service.

When Necessary, A Camera Inspection Is Completed 

A camera inspection of the drain pipe is performed before the Hydro jetting gets carried out. Once we have located the clog, the appropriate nozzles get fitted to a flexible thermoplastic polyurethane hose that will easily feed into the drainpipe. This not only removes the obstruction but also leaves the pipe spotless. Do you have a clogged drain? We recommend contacting our top-notch drain cleaning service in San Diego, CA. 

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Your $99 Drain Cleaning Services in San Diego, CA, Still Stands Out

If you own an older property, you need to take additional care to prevent clogged drains by, for example, being mindful of what you flush down the toilet. Mineral deposits build up in pipes after years of hard water running through them, collecting grease, hair, and other debris you flush down the toilet or wash down the drain. As you might expect, grease is at the top of the list. NEVER pour grease down a drain. In addition to grease, never put paint, flushable cat litter, labels, paper towels, and condoms down your drains.

Simple Maintenance Helps

You can do simple things to keep your drains clear, including pouring a pot of hot water down your most frequently used sinks once a week. This will prevent the black slime that can build up in drains, slowing them down or even causing them to back up. Also, half a cup of baking soda followed by a splash of vinegar down the drain should do the trick for maintaining proper drainage in the sinks. 

For Our Business Clientele - We Value Your Trust

Commercial clients trust Big B's because of our reputation for excellence. As a result, Big B's  services are highly sought after by property managers, company owners, and landlords.  Our company has a staff of highly qualified plumbers that can respond swiftly to any emergency call, which is a must for commercial clients. If a plumbing problem isn't resolved swiftly and correctly, it might damage a company's reputation. For example, if a consumer enters a restroom and sees a blocked toilet or urinal, they are unlikely to return. A clogged sewage pipe may cause a similar effect in a strip mall.

For Your Commercial Drain Cleaning Services, We're Ready to Serve:

  • Hotels/Residential/ Apartments 
  • Clinics and Medical Facilities
  • Class A Governmental Buildings
  • Shopping & Strip malls 
  • Schools & Institutions of Higher Learning
  • Churches & Places Of Worship
  • Restaurants & Bars
  • Residential / Apartments
  • Townhouses and condominiums

We Have Thousands of Positive Reviews

If you're in San Diego and need a plumber with a stellar reputation, we've got you covered. With an A+ rating from the BBB and hundreds of five-star ratings on Facebook, Google, and Yelp!, Big B's Plumbing is a safe bet.  We're your $99 drain cleaning service from Big B's Plumbing in San Diego, CA. 

What People Are Saying...

I called Big B's Plumbing because I the hot water would not turn off in our master bathroom. I tried to turn the valve off under the sink and it broke off, so I had to shut off the main water to the house. It was noticeable the valves were original to the home. When I called, the rep stated that I would be informed about the service tech and their experience along with services offered "On The Spot". I was on a bit of a time crunch...
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Vill M

Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Jeremy T

Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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Crystal M

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Your Plumber For Life!

Contractors License #986152

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