Random plumbing related facts

10 Fun Random Plumbing Facts That Will Leave You Smiling Ear to Ear

We have a treat for you fun fact fanatics out there! Plumbing and plumbers have been the butt of jokes for ages, from the infamous plumber’s crack to the quirky names we’ve given our toilets. Seriously, think about it—plumbers are the unsung heroes dealing with everything from toilets to sewer lines. And yes, with all that bending over, the plumber’s crack has become legendary. But let’s face it, where would we be without these brave souls?

So, without further ado, here are ten random, incredibly fascinating plumbing facts just for you. Get ready to dive in and enjoy!

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

Where Did the Word Plumbing Come From?

Ever wondered where the word “plumbing” comes from? It has a fascinating origin story! The term derives from the Latin word “plumbum,” which means lead. This is why the chemical symbol for lead on the periodic table is “Pb.” Back in the day, ancient Romans used lead pipes for their intricate plumbing systems. So, not only did they give us aqueducts and baths, but they also passed down the very name for the trade! How’s that for a history lesson with a twist?

Painkiller Might be Entering the Aquatic World

Here’s a wild one for you: did you know that about 90% of the pharmaceuticals we take are eliminated when we urinate? Yup, all those meds and supplements we consume end up going down the drain and into the sewer system. The EPA did a study and discovered something pretty eye-opening—fish with trace amounts of antidepressants, pain relievers, antibiotics, cholesterol-lowering drugs, and even caffeine in their systems. So, the next time you flush, remember that your morning coffee or painkiller might be entering the aquatic world!

Who Was Thomas Crapper and What Did He Do?

Meet Thomas Crapper, the man with quite the name! In the late 1800s, Thomas Crapper founded Thomas Crapper & Co. in London, revolutionizing the plumbing world with his genius. He held a whopping nine patents, three of which were all about improving our trusty toilets. And here’s the kicker: the slang term “crap” or “crapper” is rumored to have come from Mr. Crapper himself. Talk about leaving a lasting legacy! So, the next time you hear someone say they need to “hit the crapper,” you can thank Thomas for the flush of inspiration!

Plumbing Thomas Crapper

Tremont Hotel, The First to Boost Indoor Plumbing

Step back in time to 1829, when the Tremont Hotel in Boston made a splash as the first hotel in the country to boast indoor plumbing! Yes, you heard that right. This swanky spot revolutionized the hospitality game, giving guests the luxury of running water right inside their rooms. Imagine the excitement of not having to brave the elements for a trip to the outhouse. The Tremont set the gold standard for hotels everywhere, making history one flush at a time!

What!? Albert Einstein Wanted to be A Plumber

Did you know that even Albert Einstein, the genius behind the theory of relativity, had a soft spot for plumbing? He once famously said, “I would be a plumber if I had to live my life all over again.” Talk about a career twist! The Steamfitters’ Union was so tickled by this that they made Einstein an honorary member. Imagine Einstein with a wrench, pondering the mysteries of the universe while fixing a leaky pipe. It just goes to show even the brightest minds appreciate the importance of good plumbing!

Albert Einstein Wanted to be a Plumber

The Two Most Famous Plumbers

Do you know who the most famous plumbers of all time are? None other than Mario and Luigi! These iconic brothers, created by the brilliant Shigeru Miyamoto in 1985 and brought to life by Nintendo, have been jumping, plumbing, and saving Princess Peach for decades. Since their debut, over 200 video games have featured these mustachioed heroes. From fighting Bowser to racing go-karts, Mario and Luigi have taken the world by storm, proving that plumbers can be superstars, too! So next time you hear that familiar “It’s-a me, Mario!” just remember—plumbing never looked so cool!

Toilet Paper Over or Under, Get the Fact!

Hold on to your plungers, folks! Dr. Gilda Carle conducted a survey of 2,000 people to settle the age-old debate: toilet paper, over or under? The results might flush away all your preconceptions!

For the over-rollers who leave the toilet paper hanging away from the wall:

  • They love being in charge (king or queen of the throne, anyone?).
  • They’re super organized and crave order.
  • Overachievers who like things just right.

Now, for the under-rollers, who keep the toilet paper close to the wall:

  • They’re the dependable types you can always count on.
  • They have a chill, relaxed vibe.
  • They’re all about strong, meaningful relationships.

And for those who don’t have a preference and go with the flow:

  • They’re all about avoiding conflict and keeping the peace.
  • They appreciate flexibility and can roll with the punches.
  • They enjoy embracing new and exciting situations.

So, whether you’re an over, an under, or somewhere in between, there’s a little something special about how you roll!

The Biggest Blitz to the Bathroom is Halftime

Here’s a flush-tastic fact for you! More toilets get flushed during the Super Bowl at halftime than at any other time of the year. It’s like the ultimate bathroom blitz! Just imagine millions of fans simultaneously making a mad dash to the loo during those precious halftime minutes. The Super Bowl might be all about touchdowns and commercials, but let’s not forget the unsung MVPs—our hardworking toilets, tackling the halftime rush like true champions.

Superbowl Plumbing

Ever Wonder What Other People Call a Toilet Around the World

Ever wondered what folks around the globe call their toilets? Well, get ready for a world tour of lavatory lingo!

  • In the UK, the Brits call it the “loo” because why not add a touch of class to everything?
  • If you head to Ireland, you’ll hear them asking for the “jacks”—a charming nickname for their restrooms.
  • In France, the Netherlands, and Germany, they go for the more sophisticated “water closet,” or WC for short. Très chic, right?
  • Back in the UK, if someone mentions the “khazi,” they’re talking about the same thing. It’s a slang term that’s sure to raise a few eyebrows!
  • Northern Englanders have their own quirky term, calling it the “netty.” Sounds cozy, doesn’t it?
  • And down under in Australia, they keep it real with the “dunny.” Simple, straightforward, and just a bit cheeky!

So, next time nature calls, impress your friends with international toilet talk!

You Want to Know Why We Call a Toilet “The John?”

Let’s dive into some potty history with a splash of fun! Did you know that John Harrington was the first man to invent the toilet? That’s why we often call it “the John.” Talk about leaving a mark on history, right?

But wait, there’s more!

The first patent for the flushing toilet was issued in 1775 to Alexander Cummings. Thanks to him, we have the modern marvels we use today. Imagine life without them—yikes!

“World Toilet Day” to Raise Awareness

Yes, it’s a thing, and it’s flush with importance! Every year on November 19th, we roll out the celebration for World Toilet Day to raise awareness about global sanitation issues. It’s a day to give a royal salute to the humble toilet and all it does for us. From keeping our homes fresh to saving us from some pretty stinky situations, the toilet is truly an unsung hero in our daily lives. So, mark your calendars, give your toilet a pat on the lid, and appreciate this porcelain throne that keeps things flowing smoothly!

How Do Astronaut Toilets Work?

Space-age potties are out of this world! Toilets in space are quite an engineering marvel. Astronauts on the International Space Station use a specially designed toilet that uses airflow to remove waste. It’s like a high-tech vacuum cleaner for your behind! Imagine answering nature’s call while floating in zero gravity—talk about a galactic bathroom experience. These space toilets keep our cosmic explorers comfortable and the space station squeaky clean, proving that even in space, a good toilet is essential for lift-off!

Here’s to the Unsung Heroes of the Plumbing World

We hope you’ve had a blast with our twelve random, quirky, and fascinating plumbing facts. From ancient Roman innovations to modern astronaut toilets, plumbing has a rich and surprising history that flows through every corner of our lives. Whether you’re fixing a leak, plunging a clog, or just appreciating your loo, remember the incredible ingenuity and craftsmanship behind it all. So next time you turn on the tap or flush the toilet, give a little nod to the plumbers and inventors who made it all possible. Here’s to the unsung heroes of the plumbing world—happy flushing, and may your pipes always run smoothly!

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

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Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Jeremy T

Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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