
Leaky Toilet

Leaky Toilet? How To Fix It Yourself

Every homeowner will experience a leaky toilet at some point. The question is, do you will call a plumber or try to fix it yourself? Fixing a leaky toilet is nothing more than a small challenge. Some toilets have very small leaks, and you’ll hear the tank fill when it gets low. Others can waste […]

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Water heater

Get The Most Out Of Your Water Heater

I think we would all agree, we cannot live without our water heaters. Our water heater is indispensable. We use it to wash dishes, take a shower, and wash our clothes. It’s like turning on a light switch. When you turn the handle, you just know hot water will be there.  Some might consider that […]

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Bathroom Inspection

Your Bathroom Inspection Checklist

Have you ever met anyone who completes a regular bathroom inspection? I think most of us would say no, but I did have a neighbor that regularly checked for plumbing leaks. I also had another neighbor that drained their water heater once a year of the mineral deposits. Most of us wait until something goes […]

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old house plumbing obstacles, when to repipe your home

Old House Plumbing Issues

I think most of us have been through old neighborhoods to check out the charming old homes. They are a thing of beauty, the craftsmanship, style, and most are a third of the size of houses built today. I think life was just much simpler back then. But unfortunately, those older houses have old plumbing […]

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The Best Way To Find A Great Plumbing Company

Find A Plumbing Company With A Great Reputation A good plumbing company will have established a good reputation for themselves. What are the signs of a plumbing company with a great reputation?  The fact is, nothing is hidden from the public anymore. If you want to find out something about a plumbing company, it’s easy […]

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Garbage Disposal Repair by a professional plumber

Common Garbage Disposal Problems and Solutions

Our garbage disposal is as standard in a modern home as any other appliance. Most homeowners take them for granted until they stop working, then they realize just how indispensable they are. You could probably even say garbage disposal’s add to our quality of life. Their average life expectancy is 13 years. If your garbage […]

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the facts about hydro jetting

The Facts About Hydro Jetting Your Drains

Get the facts about hydro jetting your drains. There are commonly clogged drains, and then there are those drains that are always a problem. Whether you’re a homeowner or a renter, we’ve all experienced a problem drain whether someone used too much toilet paper or a child’s toy got flushed. Likewise, there are those drains […]

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Pipe Bursting

Pipe Bursting or Cured In Place Pipes (CIPP)

Here’s our dilemma. Our sewer pipes have exceeded 50 years old and we’re starting to experience the signs of a worn-out sewer line. We’re ready to sell our home, and the home inspection company said that the sewer line looks terrible. What do we do? Maybe you can smell raw sewage, or your sewer line […]

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plumbing Company, Murrieta Plumber, Temecula Plumber

Plumbing Tips From The Pros

Hey, I’ll let you in on a few plumbing tips. If you have some basic plumbing knowledge, it could save you a small fortune. You don’t even need to be a do-it-yourselfer (DIY). Think about this, most of us know how to care for our car, but very few of us know how to fix […]

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Kitchen Faucets

The Latest News On Kitchen Faucets

Who would have ever thought that your plumbing fixtures would be the talk of the town? Do you want to impress family, friends, and neighbors with the latest and greatest faucets and fixtures? When most people think of technology, our first thought is a smartphone, laptop, or tablet. We may even think about the latest […]

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slab leak repair and detection

What Are The Warning Signs Of A Slab Leak?

Now I don’t want to sound like a guru, but most homeowners are one with their home. They usually don’t have to see something wrong to know that something is not right. Sir Edward Coke once declared in 1604, “the house of everyone is to him as his Castle and Fortress.” We simplified the term […]

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Water is leaking from My Bathtub

Water Is Leaking From My Bathtub!

So you find yourself sitting in the kitchen one morning drinking a cup of coffee, then you look up, only to notice a brownish wet spot on the kitchen ceiling. The first thing you do is try and guess what is above that area. If you’re a do-it-yourselfer (DIY), you can cut the infected area […]

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