Smelly Kitchen Sink Sewage Odor

What’s that Sewage Smell? How Do I Get Rid of It?

Isn’t it wonderful that our homes often give us little hints when something needs attention? If you catch a not-so-great smell drifting from your bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room, no worries! It’s like a gentle nudge to check things out. Sometimes, it might be as simple as a P-trap needing a bit of hydration—a quick splash of water from the faucet can do wonders. However, in most instances, it’s the smell of sewage gases, and there is no denying it. But hey, if it’s something a tad more complex, like a broken vent pipe, that’s where the pros come in! They’ll have it sorted out in no time, leaving your home smelling fresh and lovely again.

Now, let’s talk about staying positive, even when faced with a not-so-pleasant aroma. It’s all about being proactive for our health and well-being, right? Take methane, for example. Sure, it’s not the most delightful thing to think about, but knowing its presence in sewage gas is key. With a little prompt action, we can make sure our living spaces stay safe and comfy. And hey, if we ever need a reminder to appreciate our fresh-smelling homes, think about how we care for ourselves and our loved ones. That’s pretty amazing.

Big B's Plumbing - Your Plumber for Life!

This Guide Will Help You Locate and Repair the Problem

When it comes to keeping our homes fresh and clean, sometimes we need a little extra help. That’s perfectly okay! So, if you happen to catch a whiff of sewage gas lingering around, don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. Taking swift action is key, but we understand that figuring out where those pesky smells are coming from can be tricky. That’s why we’re here to lend a hand.

Sure, it might take some sleuthing to track down the source, especially with all the water systems in our homes, like showers and washing machines. Our handy guide has tips and tricks to help you sniff out the problem and tackle it head-on. From troubleshooting steps to DIY fixes, we’ve got everything you need to freshen up your space in record time.

Of course, some issues might be more complex than others. That’s where the professionals come in! If you find yourself facing a real head-scratcher regarding the smell of sewage gas in your home, don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance. With their expertise and know-how, they’ll have your home smelling sweet again.

A Shower Drain Could Be the Cause of the Smell of Sewage Gases

Let’s shed some positive light on that pesky sewage odor culprit! Believe it or not, the toilet’s not always causing a stink in your bathroom. Instead, if you catch a whiff of something unpleasant, shift your focus to the shower drain. It’s like a little mystery waiting to be solved! Usually, smelly shower drains can be traced back to one of four common issues: 

  1. A buildup of biofilm (also known as black slime) 
  2. A clogged drain, 
  3. Hiccup with your P-trap
  4. Leaking pipe

Whatever the case, fear not! With a positive attitude and a bit of troubleshooting, we’ll have your bathroom smelling fresh and clean again in no time!

Unveiling the Cause: Biofilm Emanates Sewage Odor through Bacterial Debris Breakdown

Let’s put a positive spin on this natural phenomenon! During refreshing showers, we indulge in luxurious products like body oils, conditioner, shampoo, soap, and shaving cream. These goodies leave us feeling squeaky clean and wash away along with natural debris like skin cells and hair. As they journey down the drain, they sometimes gather along the P-trap and vertical pipes beneath your shower, forming what we call a biofilm.

Now, don’t let the name fool you—biofilm accumulation is perfectly normal! As it develops, this biofilm releases a sewage odor due to the helpful bacteria working hard to decompose the debris. These little heroes produce a sticky substance that allows them to stick to the pipe walls, kind of like a cozy home. While it might seem challenging to remove without specialized products, we’ve got solutions.

As time goes on, you might notice the sewage odor wafting beyond the shower or bathtub, affecting the whole bathroom. But worry not! With a little TLC and regular cleaning, you can keep those pesky odors at bay and maintain a fresh and inviting space for all your bathroom adventures.

Black Slime Causes Sluggish Drains/ Biofilm

Empower Yourself: Easy Ways to Tackle the Issue Without a Plumber

Let’s turn this into a positive and empowering guide to banishing those pesky sewage odors from your bathroom without the need for a plumber!

Get ready to bid farewell to those unpleasant smells by tackling the root cause: the buildup of biofilm in your shower drain. And guess what? You’ve got the power to do it yourself!

Here’s how you can easily take charge and freshen up your pipes:

Now, let’s get down to business! Follow these simple steps:

  • Grab a screwdriver and gently remove the shower drain cover.
  • Use a trusty metal coat hanger with a hook at the end to fish out any hairballs lurking in your drain.
  • Next, sprinkle a cup of baking soda down the drain pipe, followed by a slow and steady pour of white distilled vinegar.
  • After letting the magic work for about fifteen minutes, give your drain a good flush with a gallon of boiling water.
  • Finally, grab a drain brush to sweep away any remaining debris and leave your drain sparkling clean.

With just a little effort and these easy-to-follow steps, you’ll have your bathroom smelling fresh and clean again in no time—all without needing to call in the pros!

Even Better, Treat Yourself to a Gallon of Liquid Plumbr® Gel or Drano® Gel! 

These trusted products have graced our grocery store shelves for over 60 years. Despite what plumbing companies may say about them eating away at your drains, they’ve got it all wrong. There’s simply no scientific evidence to support that claim. In fact, SC Johnson and Clorox have conducted studies showing that these products are completely safe for your plumbing. And hey, we’re not biased here—it’s just the plain truth! These tried-and-true solutions have stood the test of time, so you can trust them to get the job done right. Just remember to use them as directed for optimal results.

Plus, here’s a little bonus: you can also use these products for regular drain maintenance. It’s a no-brainer way to keep your drains squeaky clean and free of pesky biofilm buildup. But hey, if you’ve given it your all and that stubborn smell of sewage gases just won’t budge, don’t fret! It’s time to call in the pros. Reach out to a trusted plumber who can thoroughly examine your plumbing system and get to the bottom of the issue. With these proactive steps, you’ll soon be enjoying a fresh-smelling bathroom once again, feeling confident in your clean and healthy space.

Residential Drain Cleaners

Don’t Let a Clogged Drain Dampen Your Spirits! 

We’re here to help you breeze through this minor inconvenience with ease. If you’re noticing sluggish drainage in your bathroom sink, it’s a common issue that we’re ready to tackle head-on. Similar to shower drains, bathroom sinks can fall victim to pesky clogs caused by a buildup of various substances like dirt, hair, mineral deposits, sand, soap scum, and even small items. Over time, these materials can join forces to create a stubborn blockage that hampers water flow and, unfortunately, brings along that unpleasant smell of sewage gas.

You’ll also bid farewell to that unwelcome scent by banishing the clog from your drain. With a touch of elbow grease and the right approach, your bathroom sink will flow smoothly and smell as fresh as a daisy in no time!

Let’s Dive into a Positive Solution for Fixing that Pesky Drain Problem! 

While vinegar and baking soda might not be the best bet for breaking down hair, we’ve got you covered with an effective plan. First things first, let’s tackle your bathroom sink drain, which operates much like your shower drain. The only difference? You’ll need to remove the stopper. 

Clearing Black Slime From Your Sink

Step By Step Process

Now, if you’ve never done this before, don’t worry! We’re here to guide you through it. Check out the handy diagram below or hop over to this Home Depot link for step-by-step instructions on removing your sink stopper.

Once you’ve got that stopper out of the way, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Grab a trusty metal clothes hanger with a hook at the end or a small plastic drain snake— available online or at your local home center. More often than not, you’ll find a pesky ball of hair lurking around the stopper.

Now, here’s where things heat up—literally! Pour a kettle full of hot water down the drain to help loosen any remaining debris, then grab a toothbrush and some detergent to give your drain a good scrub as far down as you can reach. Finish off with another kettle of hot water to flush everything away.

While a mix of baking soda and vinegar can work wonders for regular maintenance, it’s best to reach for a dedicated drain cleaner when it comes to serious clogs. We recommend sticking to trusted brands like Drano® or Liquid Plumr® for the job. If you prefer a more natural approach, options like Drainbo Natural® or Green Gobbler® can also do the trick.

With these positive and effective steps, you’ll have your bathroom sink drain flowing freely and smelling fresh in no time!

Let’s Shed Some Light on the Role of the P-Trap in Keeping Unwanted Smells at Bay!

One common culprit for those pesky odors is a dry P-trap. Shaped like a U or a P, this trusty component serves a crucial role in preventing the unpleasant smell of sewage gases from infiltrating your home. How does it work? By holding water, it creates a barrier that keeps those smells where they belong—outside!

Here’s the good news: You can easily solve this issue by simply running your shower or sink regularly. This helps replenish the water in the P-trap, keeping it full of water to do its job effectively. And if that sewage odor persists despite your best efforts, it might just be a minor leak in the P-trap—nothing a professional can’t handle easily. So, keep those showers flowing and your worries at bay!

Now, if you happen to detect a sewage smell lingering in your home, don’t panic! While your first instinct might lead you to the bathroom, the culprit could be hiding in your laundry room. That’s right—your faithful washing machine might be the source of the issue. Common culprits behind this unwelcome odor include improperly installed P-traps and annoying drain or vent blockages. With a positive attitude and a bit of troubleshooting, you’ll have your home smelling fresh and clean again in no time!

Avoid the smell of sewage and install your P-Trap correctly

Your P-trap Requires Proper Installation for Optimal Results!

Now, P-traps aren’t just essential for bathrooms—they play a crucial role in keeping your laundry room smelling good. But sometimes, installation mishaps can occur, especially with modern machines sporting flexible drain hoses. If that hose gets pushed too far into the drain box, it can throw off the P-trap’s function, inviting unpleasant odors into your space.

But don’t worry, we’ve got a simple solution! By adjusting the washing machine drain hose and making sure it’s inserted about eight inches deep into the piping, you’ll give the P-trap the space it needs to work its magic. And voila! Your laundry room will smell as fresh and clean as your newly washed clothes.

Let’s make sure your laundry setup isn’t just functional but also safe and efficient! By focusing on the proper installation of your washing machine’s drain hose, we’ll prevent water overflow and keep those unwanted sewage gases at bay. With these positive adjustments, your laundry days will be a breeze!

Let’s Ensure Your Laundry Room Stays Free of Sewage Gases, Staying Fresh and Functional!

Standpipe: Picture a sturdy, reliable connection point for your washing machine’s drain hose. These pipes, ideally at least 2″ in diameter, are the unsung heroes of laundry day. Choosing a standpipe that perfectly accommodates the size of your machine’s hose is key to a seamless laundry experience. And here’s a pro tip: make sure the standpipe’s height exceeds the washing machine’s overflow line, typically around 30-36″ tall or 18″-30″ above the trap. 

P-trap: Say hello to your home’s guardian against hazardous sewage gases! P-traps are essential for protecting your space and should be installed 6-18″ from the floor to block those pesky gases effectively. Plus, maintaining the correct pitch in the horizontal pipe connecting the trap to the waste stack ensures everything flows smoothly. With a properly installed P-trap, you can bid farewell to worries about unwanted odors.

Vent: Let’s talk about ventilation—the unsung hero of preventing overflowing and gas release. For laundry standpipes, vents should have a diameter of at least 1 ½” and be positioned within 5 feet of the trap. You’ll breathe easy with proper ventilation, knowing your laundry room stays fresh and clean.

Clean Pipe: After months or even years of hard work, your standpipe deserves a little TLC. Don’t let dirty wastewater and soap scum create a stinky situation! The solution? A simple cleaning regimen with a cleaner or a trusty mix of vinegar and baking soda, followed by a couple of kettles of hot water. With a clean pipe, you’ll say goodbye to any lingering sewage odors and hello to a fresh-smelling laundry room!

By ensuring these components are correctly installed and maintained, you’ll enjoy a smoothly functioning laundry room setup without any worries about water overflow or unpleasant odors. Your vent pipe, P-trap, and standpipe work harmoniously to keep the sewage odor in check. If the smell lingers, trust a plumbing professional to handle the task with expertise and ease. With these positive steps, your laundry room will be a place of cleanliness and comfort for years to come!

Brandon and Family, Licensed plumbing contractor

Family Owned & Operated

My name is Brandon Mageno. I'm the founder, President, and CEO of Big B's Plumbing Company. As the founder, I never thought about being average or good. My passion for being the best plumbing company in Southern California has always been the same. Providing plumbing services to this great county is simply in my DNA. Nothing makes me happier than to see a satisfied customer. Learn More About Us

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Found them on Google and they had good quality reviews. Made the call and set up the appointment for same day. Dispatch called me a few hours later to confirm our appointment and let me know that the technician Mathew was on the way. This was supposed to be an easy job once Mathew arrived. But it turned out to be so much more than that. Without hesitation or a sour look on his face, he dove deep into his van...
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Randy was very knowledgeable and professional. He helped us figure out what we could do with the space given for our bathroom with our remodel. He picked out perfect fixtures and the work he did was beautiful. The cleaned up properly when they were done and everything was handled in one day! I will be calling for Randy anytime we have any plumbing needs. Thank you for doing such a great job!
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